The following is a list of DOs and DON'Ts that I've compiled, based on the more common author mistakes I've seen in my years as a shareware distributor. While some of these items might be specific to my own Author-Direct Distribution Service, or specific to the ASP, the majority of them will apply to virtually any distribution service or system. Please do yourself a favor and abide by them -- otherwise you are just asking for a lower level of distribution, or a delayed processing time for your products.... DO - spend the time to *properly* create a valid VENDINFO.DIZ file for your product. I can't stress this enough! We have a fairly automated processing system (as do most other distributors), and the key to making it work is the ability to access the information we need in an automated manner. If you've spent weeks, months, and even years perfecting your product, please spend an extra couple of *HOURS* working on a VENDINFO.DIZ file -- don't just blast through the process, leaving blank or inadequately filled fields. (and remember -- once you've created your first VENDINFO.DIZ file, any subsequent ones needed for updates and additional products will only take a few minutes to create!) Please see the file VENDINFO.TIP for more info regarding VENDINFO errors. DON'T - enter your WWW http address in places that ask for an Internet email address. This information is needed as an email contact, not as a place to go web surfing. DON'T - try to use a generic filename when asked for a BBS filename. Each release of a product in the BBS world (as well as many other electronic distribution systems) requires a unique filename. Including the version number as a part of your filename insures that each release filename is unique, and is considered the industry standard method of dealing with that requirement. DON'T - try to use your BBS filename (which includes version number) when asked for a 'generic' or 'CompuServe' filename. The generic filename must NOT contain any version-specific information, as it will be used for all current and subsequent releases of the product. This is especially important when you are creating your VENDINFO.DIZ file -- DON'T use your BBS filename when asked for the List of CompuServe Parts! DO - if you are using the WISE Installation Utility, be *sure* to use the PKZip- Compatible option when creating your self-installing archive file! If you don't, many file processors (including mine) will reject your file because they can't extract the imbedded program files for virus testing. Unfortunately, the Wise folks don't make this option very well known, so you may have to hunt for it in the configuration. Be aware that the 'default' file size in the Wise system is 1420K, which many authors misinterpet as being the maximum size of any 1 file. One ASP author states that "Users must change this to 0 in the "Make Disk" function to create a single EXE file" greater than 1420K in size. Also be aware that multi-part Wise installation EXE files (i.e. SETUP.EXE, SETUP.W02, etc) can not be created as PKZip-Compatible. As such, you can *NOT* use a multi-part Wise installation file for our electronic distribution. (Please note that the Wise EXE file *still* must be packaged inside a standard ZIP archive file for electronic distribution) DO - test your floppy disks for readability before mailing them! I receive a *LOT* of disks which are bad, and I can't copy the files from them in order to process them. This only delays things, and causes frustration for both the author and the distributor. DON'T - if your WWW http address contains non-alpha/numeric characters (such as the ~ tilde character), please don't include it in your FILE_ID.DIZ file! (or in any other 'product description' text, for that matter). Many file processing utilities (including mine) will reject your submission because it sees those characters as 'illegal' for use in FILE_ID.DIZ files. I've also seen them cause problems in online descriptions on some electronic online systems as well.